Jury finds Bill Cosby guilty on all three counts in sexual assault trial

Comedian Bill Cosby was found guilty of three counts of aggravated indecent assault on Thursday after two days of jury deliberation.

The sexual assault charges included penetration without consent, penetration while unconscious and penetration after administrating an intoxicant. Each count is punishable by up to 10 years in prison.

The comedian has been accused by about 60 women of molestation over the course of several decades. Cosby’s first trial ended in a mistrial in June 2017 after a jury deliberated for six days.

Judge Steven O’Neill presided over the retrial, which began on April 9 in Norristown, Pennsylvania, a suburb of Philadelphia. Jurors in Montgomery County affirmed the account of Andrea Constand, who alleged that the comedian had assaulted her in his Elkins Park, Pennsylvania, home in 2004.

Cosby reportedly lashed out in the courtroom after the prosecution argued to revoke the 80-year-old entertainer’s bail. Cosby called prosecutor Kevin Steele an “a–hole,” according to a report by NBC News. O’Neill refused Steele’s request, citing Cosby’s age and medical condition.

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