Millennial men want spouses to help pay off debt

Well, I ain’t saying he’s a gold digger, but if he’s a millennial looking to get married, he just might be.

A recent survey by Varo Money found that 41 percent of millennial men would marry someone who earns more than they do so that their partner can pay off their debts. To compare, only 15 percent of millennial women have that aim.

The mobile banking company polled 1,000 adults in March.

The survey found that 36 percent of American women earn more than their partner. For men in their 20s and 30s, that’s just fine: More than 1 in 3 say that the relationship and romantic dynamics change for the positive when the person they’re seeing earns more than they do.

Indeed, the median personal income for women aged 25 to 34 reached $29,429 in 2016, reflecting an increase from $22,895 in 1975, according to Census data. In that same time period, the median personal income for men aged 25 to 34 fell to $40,401 from $45,908.

“With women earning more and men starting to earn less, perhaps there is some pressure to pair up with someone who is earning the same, if not more, to even things out,” said Catherine New, editor-in-chief at Varo.

Here’s what millennials seek in a partner’s finances.

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