More retirees want a side gig. Here’s how to get one

“It’s easier said than done” said Catherine Collinson, the president and CEO of the Transamerica Institute and Transamerica Center for Retirement Studies. “Boomers are the first generation retiring at a later age — they are blazing that trail.”

Here are Collinson’s tips for navigating the way.

For starters, “look before leaping, especially if you are already working,” she said. Staying at your current gig is a good option to consider for soon-to-be retirees.

To that end, discretely do some research about going from full time to part time before you broach the subject with your employer. “You don’t want to tip your hand,” Collinson said.

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Further, look into “what types of jobs or flexible work arrangements are available where you live,” Collinson added. From Uber driver to freelance graphic designer, there could be other opportunities to work remotely or on your own schedule.

And finally, make sure that your skills are up to date. Take advantage of any continuing education at your current employer or enroll in courses at your local community college or a university extension program, which can be taken either in person or online, she explained.

“That might also be an opportunity to network above and beyond what you learn in class,” Collinson said.

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