The fundamental problem with FANG

Even with low unemployment and steady labor participation, demographic tailwinds are really what’s driving business at homebuilder Taylor Morrison, Chairman and CEO Sheryl Palmer told CNBC in an interview with Cramer.

“The average age of the millennial buying today … is somewhere around 30, 31,” Palmer said. “The largest group of millennials is turning 29, 30, so we have so much runway ahead. And then you think about the financial security of the boomers, so I’m very bullish about where we’re going.”

Following the excitement of Equal Pay Day, Palmer also shared her thoughts on women in business and the idea of pay parity.

“The way I think about it is people make different amounts of money for different reasons, and we can look at titles and say, simply speaking, somebody with the same responsibilities doing the same job with the same education managing the same book of business, they should make the same amount of money. But finding those that match is next to impossible,” Palmer said.

The CEO added that at her company, some women make more than men in the same roles and some men make more than women in the same roles.

“I think the real question we have to ask, though, is do we have enough women and do we have diversity, not just in our business, but across?” she said. “That’s really where the challenge lies. Then we can talk about equal pay.”

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