When finance is stranger than science fiction

The stereotypical child star generally is not known for being good with money.

Yet Cary Guffey, who played Barry, the young boy abducted by aliens in director Steven Spielberg’s 1977 classic Close Encounters of the Third Kind, now oversees $170 million in assets as a financial advisor with PNC Investments.

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Still, the road from Hollywood to financial services was paved with regret, he said. “I have made just about every money mistake you can do.” (From Lindsay Lohan to Corey Haim, there have been more than a few child stars who fell into financial ruin when their careers stalled and they were unable to maintain a lavish level of spending.)

Starting from the age of 3, Guffey earned more than $100,000 through acting all together. “My parents did a great job of saving my earnings, but then promptly turned them over to a rather irresponsible 18-year-old me, who did exactly what most people do when they have a windfall.”

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