Here’s where the jobs are — in one chart

The U.S. economy created 164,000 jobs in April, coming in below the 192,000 payroll growth estimate from economists surveyed by Reuters. But as always, there are industries that are doing better or worse in terms of employment each month.

Here are the net changes by industry for April.

The services and manufacturing industries were among the biggest net job gainers for the month.

“Most of the gain [in manufacturing] was in the durable goods component, with machinery adding 8,000 jobs and employment in fabricated metal products continuing to trend up (+4,000),” the Bureau of Labor Statistics said Friday.

The professional and business services industry added 54,000 jobs in April, leading the categories. This industry includes jobs such as lawyers, accountants, consultants, architects and engineers.

Education and health services was also a bright spot in the report, gaining 31,000 jobs for the month.

On the flip side, the government sector suffered job losses of 4,000 in April.

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