Gina Miller on Brexit, being an activist and handling death threats

Kate Green | Anadolu Agency | Getty Images

Lead claimant Gina Miller speaks outside the Supreme Court in Parliament Square following a majority ruling against the government, on January 24, 2017 in London, England.

“To send me things in the post that’s so vile — that’s more worrying, that’s what gets me, the offline stuff, because I know that they have to take time and contemplation to go and do that.”

Miller, who has said in the past that it was “absolutely not” her intention to overturn the 2016 referendum result to leave the European Union, told attendees at a session titled “Real-Talk Resilience: In Conversation With Gina Miller” that as she received more and more criticism, “something changed” in her.

“The day they sent me the letter which said that my children would be killed in front of me, they would slit their throats and I would watch and then they’d burn me – something changed in me. And I thought, ‘That’s why I’m here. I’m exactly where I should be,’” she said.

“I was meant to be here. I was meant to fight and speak up and carry on fighting, because those voices are never going to trump mine. Those people are never going to become mainstream — not while I’m here and not while I’m fighting.”

In 2016, it was reported by Reuters that Miller had spent £60,000 ($78,705) on security and for her own protection, following incidents including attacks on her company’s website.

In 2017, a British aristocrat was sent to prison for 12 weeks, for racially aggravated threats towards the businesswoman.

Rhodri Philipps took to Facebook to offer £5,000 to anybody who’d “accidentally” run over Miller, a person he labeled as a “bloody troublesome first generation immigrant,” according to Reuters.

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