Stressed about money? Here’s what to do about it

You should read your anxiety about money as a call to action, says certified financial planner Douglas Boneparth.

“Money tends to be an emotional area of people’s lives, so it’s no surprise that they think about this quite frequently,” said Boneparth, president of Bone Fide Wealth. “There are a number of ways to deal with this.”

Start with information, he said. That can come from a certified financial planner, if you can afford one, or from doing your own personal finance research.

“Education is power and that’s how you can deal with your emotions,” Boneparth said.

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Then, working on your saving habits can bring you calm.

“Usually, savings can be something that is encouraging or makes you feel like you’re getting closer to your financial goals,” Boneparth said. Of course, it’s easy to get frustrated and overwhelmed if you fall off your budget, he added, but money management can take practice.

“Saving for your financial goals should be something that’s rewarding, so keep your head down, stay focused, stay disciplined and go after your great things in life,” he said.

Boneparth recommends asking yourself three questions before making a financial decision: Can you afford it? Does it make sense? And will you feel good about doing it? If you don’t answer yes to all of those questions, pause and reconsider.

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