5 things investors should do now before the next downturn

When it comes to the markets, many forecasters are waiting for the big one.

And no, it’s the next stock to pop. It’s the downturn that will end the nine-year bull market.

The market’s run since the financial crisis is on the brink of reaching a historic mark. Next week, it is poised to cross a threshold that will make it the longest bull market, besting the previous record from October 1990 to March 2000.

The S&P 500 index has climbed 325 percent since its low of 666 in March 2009.

Despite those gains, the effects of the financial crisis still loom. Recent research from the Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco estimates that the crisis cost every American about $70,000 in lost lifetime income.

Investors’ memories, however, seem to have recovered. A Bank of America Merrill Lynch survey of fund managers released this week found that they are the most bullish on U.S. stocks that they have been since 2015.

Still, a downturn — or even a correction — can come at any time. Turkey’s currency crisis has reignited some of those fears.

Financial advisors offer the following tips for how you can make sure you are prepared before a big dip.

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