John Delaney says every American should have health care ‘as a right’

Delaney: Yes. That’s how I’d pay for it. New system, everyone gets healthcare from when they’re born to they die. This new program from birth to 65, and Medicare above that.

Harwood: So basically one government program for healthcare pre-retirement, and then Medicare.

Delaney: Yes, but one key distinction. You know how Medicare has supplementals? You’d have the same thing for the other program. A backbone system that everyone gets, and then they can supplementals. Or they can opt-out if they want to get a small tax credit and buy private insurance.

You pay for that whole system by getting rid of the corporate deduction for healthcare, which is a terrible system. It doesn’t make any economic sense. So my system, which I believe I could pay for with that and a few other things, gives everyone healthcare as a right, but allows them also to have lots of choices. And there’d be a private market that floats above the government market.

If you change jobs, you have healthcare, right? If you want to go start a business, you have healthcare. If you’re a child and you age off your parents’ health insurance – you and I know what this is all about – there’s healthcare there for you. If you’re low income, there’s healthcare. That’s the kind of healthcare we should have in this country.

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