Sixty percent of workers got no raise or a better-paying job in 2018

If you’re planning on pushing for a bump in pay next year, start with an appraisal of yourself.

Here’s what you should consider:

Burnish your credentials: A new certificate or skill set might be what you need to stand above the competition and position yourself for a raise.

“In a tight labor market, those who are in the best position to command a higher pay rate or find a better job are those who possess unique talents, skills or certifications that employers crave,” McBride said.

“If you can’t distinguish yourself, it’s not an environment where you’ll be able to earn a pay premium,” he said.

Know your worth: How do you compare with other individuals who have similar responsibilities and skill sets? Pull up salary comparison data on employment sites, including and, and be ready to bring this information to the negotiation table.

“Understand your value in the market — that’s something you can be armed with when you have your pay discussions,” said Adrienne Altman, the North America rewards practice leader at Willis Towers Watson.

Make your accomplishments known: Whether you’ve helped your department reach certain sales goals or you’ve taken on extra work over the course of 2018, be sure to clearly state the goals you’ve managed to reach.

“I think what employees can do is focus on how they articulate to their managers how they’ve performed this year and what they can quantify in terms of value to the organization,” Altman said.

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