Your first trade for Friday, February 1

The “Fast Money” traders shared their first moves for the market open.

Tim Seymour was a buyer of Home Depot.

Karen Finerman was a buyer of FedEx.

Dan Nathan was a buyer of Canada Goose.

Guy Adami was a buyer of GW Pharmaceuticals.

Trader disclosure: Tim Seymour is long AMZN, AAPL, ACBFF, AMZA, ACB, APC, APH, BA, BABA, BAC, BIDU, BX, C, CCJ, CGC, CLF, CMG, CNTTF, CRON, CSCO, CWEB, DAL, DIS, DPZ, DVYE, EEM, EUFN, EWM, FB, FDX, FXI, GE, GILD, GM, GOOGL, GTII, GWPH, HAL, HK.APH, HYYDF, INTC, ITHUF, JD, KHRNF, KSHB, LEAF, MAT, MCD, MJNE, MO, MOS, MPEL, MPX, MRMD, NKE, OGI, ORGMF, OTC, PAK, PHM, PYPL, RH, RL, SBUX, SQ, STZ, T, TER, TIF, TGOD, TRSSF, TRST, TWTR, UA, UAL, VALE, VIAB, VOD, X, XRT, YNDX, 700. Tim is on the advisory board of Tikun Olam, TGOD, CCTV, Canndescent, and MJ Holdings. Tim is short IWM, RACE, SPY. Tim’s firm is long CGC, HEXO, TLRY, CRON, APH. Karen Finerman’s firm is long ANTM, C, CBS, FB, FDX, FL, FNAC, GOOG, GOOGL, GLNG, GMLP, JPM, KORS puts, LYV, SPY puts, SPY put spreads, TBT, URI, WIFI. Her firm is short IWM. Karen Finerman is long AAL, BAC, BOT Bitcoin, Bitcoin Cash, Ethereum, C, CAT, CBS, DAL, DVYE, DXJ, EEM, EPI, EWW, EWZ, DVYE, FB, FL, GM, GMLP, GLNG, GOOG, GOOGL, JPM, LOW, LYV, KFL, KORS, KORS calls, MA, MTW, PRCP, SEDG, SPY puts, TACO, WIFI, WFM. Karen Finerman is long FB, GOOG, GOOGL spread calls. Karen Finerman is short KRE, TBT calls. Karen Finerman is long SPY puts. Bitcoin and Ethereum are in her kids’ Trust. Dan is long FB Feb call, KO Feb put spread. XLU March Put Spread. EA Feb call spread. Long INTC July Call Spread. Long SPY Feb puts. Guy Adami is long CELG, EXAS, GDX, INTC. Guy Adami’s wife, Linda Snow, works at Merck.

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