Of course, your exact circumstances will vary, but you can use the principles above to run your own personalized numbers.
Maybe you can earn more and save less. Or perhaps you’re better at saving than earning. Or maybe your side hustle can become a $30,000 per year business. Simply run the numbers with your particular likes and dislikes, see where that puts you on the road to retirement, and adjust as needed. We all take different paths, so don’t stress if you don’t do “as well” as others. It’s not a competition.
Now the retirement police may say “well you’re not really retired if you’re working part-time or on a side hustle.” First of all, who cares what others say? Second, if you want to be completely retired simply put more effort into the steps noted and save/invest more. Or take the steps as they are and add a bit more time. The plan can be as flexible as you want it to be.
And if it takes longer than ten years to retire, who cares? You’re still retiring in 15 to 20 years, well before most people (including me.)
ESI is an early 50’s retiree who achieved financial independence, shares what’s worked for him and details how others can implement those successes in their lives. His blog ESI Money is about achieving financial independence through earning, saving, and investing (ESI) and appears courtesy of Wallet Hacks.
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This article originally appeared on Millennial Money.
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